1 year ago

The studies on the use of resins other than the typical ones were carried out in 2023 in the WR Technology project, which led to outstanding results that were universally recognised. 

Initially, we only worked on the basic parts, not only out of caution, but also because we needed your feedback. 

This year with the WR EVO project, with the support of further tests, we have mainly worked on the percentage of WR Resin, again decreasing the quantity to the benefit of the raw material: carbon. This had led to improvements in terms of yield and performance (more rigidity and responsiveness) and made each tool even more reliable. 

WR technology has also been used for the kits; therefore, all our top roubaisienne rods can benefit from this great innovation. 

The new WR kits are not only part of the 13-metre barrel body, but are also supplied in the equipment of the various packs. 

Each roubaisienne has a serial number on the base section, as do all kits.

A further guarantee of quality and reliability. 

This and much more is what WR Technology Evo 2024 has to offer.